Saturday, August 24, 2019


I think this is it. I think this is the happiest I've ever been and the best it will ever be. Being in a relationship has bigger highs but they also have the concomitant lows which I cannot stand. This is better. I work, have a weight training regimen that has me looking and feeling better than I have in years, and my kitchen lends itself to cooking the precise things I need support this physically active lifestyle. Then, as far as my need for social interaction goes, as an introvert I don't need a lot. I have my daughter here with me and that's enough.

At the moment I am making lentil soup in preparation for working out triceps and legs later on. Why bother with protein powder for building muscle mass when I can get the same effect with red lentils, steak, ground beef, fish, and beans, plus I love to eat anyway. And I am building muscle mass. To be honest, I exercise primarily for looks but my increase in strength and stamina is a positive side benefit as well as having the ability to eat large meals without worrying about weight gain.


Went to Meijer and bought $40 worth of stuff, came out ahead because I saved $3 using MPerks. Baking cornbread and chicken thighs seasoned with coriander, chili powder (hot & regular), turmeric, and paprika. Have leftover rice to go with it. It's the perfect preworkout meal. My appetite has returned with a vengeance since I started working out.

8:48 p.m.

Had successful workout, increased weight on tricep and leg exercises. Came home and ate chicken and cornbread again, watched an episode of "the End of the F***ing World" on Netflix with daughter. Life is good

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